Develop with Dignity- Ending Period Poverty in Kumi Uganda

A project by: Ailsa Parsons


WE RAISED £3,542

from 83 donors

5 years, 11 months ago

Thank you for helping us achieve our target of £3,000. Your generosity will allow us to send Salford students to Kumi to provide sanitary products to school aged girls. This is an experience that most of our Salford Students would never be able to afford without your help, so thank you!

Due to a large number of students wanting to go Kumi, but unfortunately not having the finical means to do so, we want to open this opportunity up to more students. Many of the students who are wanting to go are from health science subjects, where this experience will be invaluable for their future careers in the health related professions.

By sending more students we can also increase the impact that Salford Students have on girls in Kumi by being able to provide more reusable sanitary products and health education to young women.

The response so far has been fantastic and we are humbled by the generosity of our Salford community. But we want to do more to make a bigger impact; so we are aiming to raise £4,000! Please continue to give and share so we can achieve this goal.